Baking Hermann

Whipped Tofu

Growing up in Germany, a great many weekends would start with a slice of bread, covered generously with quark followed by a spoonful of homemade strawberry jam. Quark is a type of dairy product that is almost like a very mild fresh cheese, if you imagined it strained, smoothened and instantly refrigerated. Its cold, soft texture makes it a refreshing base that perfectly carries a layer of jam. Rarely a weekend went by with my dad skipping this tradition and so it has forever burnt itself into my nostalgia of childhood.
15 min

Ever since moving away from Germany, quark was difficult to find. And since changing to a vegan diet, it has been off the menu altogether. Yet while experimenting with silken tofu, I happily stumbled upon something very similar in texture and, once cooled down and paired with jam, very similar in flavour too.

Beyond being a vessel for the countless jars of jam I have collected, whipped tofu is a versatile trick to have up your sleeve. You can easily turn it into a delicious dip, using spices, pastes and oils to mould it to that day’s cuisine. The possibilities are virtually endless and it only takes a couple of minutes from start to finish. Here are my two favourite ways to make whipped tofu. Once plain and once turned into a simple miso & sesame dip.


Whipped Tofu

  • 300g silken tofu

  • 30 ml lemon juice (2 tbsp)

Whipped Miso & Sesame Tofu

  • 1 tbsp white miso

  • 1/4 tsp sesame oil


For the whipped tofu, line a sieve with cheesecloth and place it over a bowl. Add the tofu to the sieve and use the cheesecloth to squeeze out as much liquid as possible. The more liquid you remove, the thicker the whipped tofu will be.

Add the strained tofu to the bowl of a food processor along with the lemon juice and 1/4 tsp salt and blend until smooth. You can eat it straight away, but I like to pop it in the fridge and serve it cold.

Try it: the whipped tofu works really well as a quark-style base with jam on a slice of sourdough.

To make the whipped miso & sesame tofu, simply add both ingredients to the whipped tofu and blend again until combined. I like this to be a bit looser, almost the consistency of double cream, so either squeeze out less liquid at the first step or, if too late, just add a tbsp of water.

Whipped Tofu

Growing up in Germany, a great many weekends would start with a slice of bread, covered generously with quark followed by a spoonful of homemade strawberry jam. Quark is a type of dairy product that is almost like a very mild fresh cheese, if you imagined it strained, smoothened and instantly refrigerated. Its cold, soft texture makes it a refreshing base that perfectly carries a layer of jam. Rarely a weekend went by with my dad skipping this tradition and so it has forever burnt itself into my nostalgia of childhood.
Course Staples
Servings 12 servings


Whipped Tofu

  • 300 g silken tofu
  • 30 ml lemon juice (2 tbsp)

Whipped Miso & Sesame Tofu

  • 1 tbsp white miso
  • 1/4 tsp sesame oil


  • For the whipped tofu, line a sieve with cheesecloth and place it over a bowl. Add the tofu to the sieve and use the cheesecloth to squeeze out as much liquid as possible. The more liquid you remove, the thicker the whipped tofu will be.
  • Add the strained tofu to the bowl of a food processor along with the lemon juice and 1/4 tsp salt and blend until smooth. You can eat it straightaway, but I like to pop it in the fridge and serve it cold.
  • To make the whipped miso & sesame tofu, simply add both ingredients to the whipped tofu and blend again until combined. I like this to be a bit looser, almost the consistency of double cream, so either squeeze out less liquid at the first step or, if too late, just add a tbsp of water.


Try it: the whipped tofu works really well as a quark-style base with jam on a slice of sourdough.
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  1. Gigi

    Delicious! Forget about dairy-based fatty dips! This is delicious and better protein. It’s in my rotation.

    • Julius Fiedler

      Amazing, that’s wonderful to hear!

  2. Leigh Maynard

    Had whipped Tofu for the first time yesterday and loved it, hence finding your recipe. Can I just ask, how long does it last in the fridge?

    • Julius Fiedler

      I’d keep it for around 2-3 days in an airtight container in the fridge.


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