
Nori Chips

Nori Chips

If you’ve opened a pack of nori sheets in the past, chances are that you’ll have a few leftover. You, my friend, have are in luck because leftover nori sheets make one of the simplest yet most satisfying of all snacks. Chips. Healthy chips, if you keep an eye on the amount of oil you use.

Dark Chocolate Energy Balls

Dark Chocolate Energy Balls

Combine most plant-based cupboard superfoods into one snack and you’ve got these Dark Chocolate Energy Balls. Plus, they are the perfect way to make use of any leftover juice or health-shot pulp by simply mixing it in. Zero waste!

Crispy Rice Sandwich

Crispy Rice Sandwich

When a recipe calls for sticky rice, chances are that I will purposefully cook a little extra to have some leftover the next day. A bowl of rice sitting on the counter or the back of the fridge is just the excuse I need to turn it into these golden, crispy rice sandwiches that are a blank canvas for your favourite sarnie toppings.