2 hr +

Farinata (Italian Chickpea Pancake)

Farinata (Italian Chickpea Pancake)

One of my favourite twists to making chickpea tofu is to turn it into farinata instead. Farinata is a thin chickpea pancake that originated in Genoa and is known in France as ‘socca’. Traditionally, it’s made from chickpea flour, but just like with the Burmese-styled tofu, you can start with whole, dried chickpeas.

Tender Beans with Herbs & Tahini

Tender Beans with Herbs & Tahini

Cooked like this, these beans make a wonderful side, or add substance to a salad or soup, but I served them with a tangy herb dressing and a mustardy tahini sauce with dijon mustard and tahini. Very much inspired by Noor Murad’s wonderful green bean recipe in Ottolenghi’s Shelf Love (by the way a beautifully unconfined book to learn more about the art of layering flavours in true Ottolenghi style).