45 min

Vegan Saag Paneer

Vegan Saag Paneer

A vegan Saag Paneer, with a handful of wild garlic – my favourite way to use up the abundance of fresh spinach that spring brings along.

Cavolo Nero Pasta

Cavolo Nero Pasta

A vibrant green pasta sauce that makes a quick & delicious pasta sauce.

Sourdough Focaccia

Sourdough Focaccia

Just like the Sourdough Rye Bread, the focaccia is one of the easier sourdough breads to make. As the rye, it is also baked in a dish, meaning that you skip the more challenging stages of shaping it by hand, letting it proof in a basket and then placing it into your casserole.

Toum (Made With Food Processor)

Toum (Made With Food Processor)

Toum is a Middle Eastern garlic sauce that is made by emulsifying garlic, lemon juice, oil & salt. The process is not too far from making mayonnaise, but instead of an egg yolk, it’s the properties of the garlic that emulsify it into a stable dip. It’s a dream come true for the ultimate garlic lover and goes beautifully with grilled veg, crispy potatoes or just as a dip with charred flatbreads.