
Ginger & Turmeric Shots

Ginger & Turmeric Shots

Ginger & turmeric shots are cleverly designed to deliver a dose of vitamins and beneficial compounds that can easily be absorbed by the body. For instance, the addition of black pepper means that the absorption of curcumin, a key active ingredient in turmeric, increases by 2000%. Equally, a small amount of extra virgin olive oil helps to digest these benefits of turmeric more easily.

Potato Boba Tea

Potato Boba Tea

Did you know that you can make boba tea out of potatoes? Together with urban gardening legend Alessandro Vitale (@_spicymoustache_), we made our own potato starch from a handful of potatoes and used the leftover flesh to make potato milk.

Pomegranate Kefir

Pomegranate Kefir

Just like sourdough or kombucha, making your own water kefir at home is a gift that keeps on giving. Once you have an active starter culture, it only takes a few minutes to make a new batch of kefir. The reward is a refreshing probiotic drink that is slightly tangy, mildly sweet and bursting with natural carbonation.

Hazelnut Iced Coffee

Hazelnut Iced Coffee

One of my fondest food memories in Italy was the discovery of the Nocciolino. It was in a small unassuming bar on a quiet street in Brindisi, where I first savoured the heavenly combination of an espresso with a scoop of hazelnut gelato. I had come to love affogato, a shot of espresso served with vanilla gelato, but the flavour of hazelnut together with a strong Italian caffè was unparalleled.

Homemade Kombucha

Homemade Kombucha

Kombucha is quite a wondrous drink. It is naturally sparking, slightly tangy and mildly sweet. You can flavour it with the seasons, from elderflower to Tarocco oranges and use it as a refresher during the sunnier days or the base of a cocktail in front of a crackling fire in winter. If you make it at home, it is virtually bottomless. All it takes is tea, sugar, the flavour of your choice and nature’s most genius ingredient, time, to make a new batch.